In the Typing Arena, players face three monster heads, each displaying a Chinese character or English word beneath. By accurately typing the corresponding text, players eliminate a monster. The player who clears a predetermined number of monsters wins.
Switching to the Word Memory madness, a Chinese term appears above, and only one monster holds the correct English translation. Input the correct word and press Enter or Space to eliminate. Move on to the next term after completing a set number.
For Easy Word Learning, monsters reveal a hint in Chinese, and players must enter the full English word starting from that letter. Confirm by pressing Enter or Space. Clearing a monster earns points.
Regardless of input method, typing in English ignores case sensitivity. Press Enter or Space after correct input to remove a monster. Mistakes can be corrected with the Backspace key, but this resets your combo. Esc key allows a restart without impacting combo count.
Keeping a combo streak - no errors - increases your score. The higher the combo, the higher the points.
Victory is achieved by eliminating a specific number of monsters or by clearing the most within a time limit. Exiting the game early deducts points.